Purpose of Zoom Account
The JGSGB has purchased a Zoom account for holding JGSGB-related programs and meetings, especially when in-person meetings are not possible.
Authorized Uses
The JGSGB Zoom account may be used for the following types of programs and meetings:
- Monthly Programs
- SIG Meetings
- Research Sunday
- Outreach Programs
- Genealogy Course
- Board Meetings
- Committee Meetings
- Book Club Meetings
- Small Group Meetings for Conducting JGSGB Business
Authorized Users
Requests will be accepted from the following JGSGB volunteers:
- Board Members
- Board Associates
- Monthly Program Liaisons
- Overall SIGs Chair
- Individual SIG Leaders
- Genealogy Course Co-directors
- Outreach Program Presenters
- Others Authorized by the President(s)
Requesting Use
Requests for Zoom meetings must be submitted a minimum of one week prior to the event using the Session Request Form below.
Roger Weiss, Carolyn Kohlman, or Jessie Klein will initiate the session and serve as the “host”. The person requesting the session and/or designated session attendees can serve as cohosts, allowing them to control functions such as muting microphones and sharing screens.
If you have any questions, write to zoomhelp@jgsgb.org.