Goal: Participate in the presentation set-up and/or audio documentation of meetings.
- Presentation Set-up before and after meetings on-site:
- Set up presentation equipment (computer, projector, digital audio recorders)
- Disconnect and pack up presentation equipment
- Time commitment: an hour before and a half hour after each assigned meeting. Responsibility for assigned meetings will rotate among three to five team members.
- Edit digital audio recordings:
- Extract files for posting on the members-only access page
- Time commitment: an hour a month
- Where: at your home, at your convenience, within a reasonable deadline
Experience and Skills Needed:
- Willingness to learn—you will be trained and receive written procedures
- Attention to details
- Commitment to attend assigned meetings
You may choose to do only those tasks performed at home or only those at meetings or both.
If you are interested, please contact Judy Izenberg at volunteers@jgsgb.org