at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*)

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Events at this venue

Colleen Fitzpatrick – Two Talks: Who is Pnina Gutman? Using DNA and Documents to Search for a Holocaust Survivor’s Identity; and Holocaust Survival and Reunion Stories

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Who is Pnina Gutman? Using DNA and Documents to Search for a Holocaust Survivor's Identity Pnina Gutman is a 77-year-old great-grandmother living in Israel. In 1942, as an infant, she was smuggled out of the Warsaw Ghetto. She has lived her life without knowing her birth identity. Colleen Fitzpatrick tells the story of Pnina's search … Continue reading Colleen Fitzpatrick – Two Talks: Who is Pnina Gutman? Using DNA and Documents to Search for a Holocaust Survivor’s Identity; and Holocaust Survival and Reunion Stories

Gene Fax – How World War I Transformed the American Jewish Community

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Before World War I, most Americans saw Jews as an alien population.  Gene Fax’s talk describes the Jewish transformation from “immigrants” to “Americans”, showing how America’s participation in World War I led to Jews being integrated into American life, becoming one of the many co-equal ethnic and religious groups. It also explains how the War began the … Continue reading Gene Fax – How World War I Transformed the American Jewish Community

Beginners Workshop on Jewish Genealogy

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Carol Clingan Debbie Lerner Carol Clingan and Debbie Lerner, who together have more than 30 years of genealogy research experience, will present a workshop tailored for beginners on the process of researching your family tree. The first half will present the resources, databases and records that are most helpful to begin researching your family history. The … Continue reading Beginners Workshop on Jewish Genealogy

Genie Milgrom – From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present: My Search for Jewish Roots; and How to Trace Your ‘New Christian’ Ancestors (2 lectures)

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Born in Cuba to a Catholic family, Genie Milgrom has brilliantly  traced her maternal lineage back 600 years to the Jews of pre-Inquisition Portugal and Spain. In her first talk, she will present her amazing personal journey to uncover her Jewish origins. In her second talk, she will describe the Catholic, notarial and Inquisition records … Continue reading Genie Milgrom – From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present: My Search for Jewish Roots; and How to Trace Your ‘New Christian’ Ancestors (2 lectures)

Eric Silverman – Jewish Dress and Cultural History: What You Can Learn From Grandma’s Photos

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Eric Silverman will discuss how something as mundane as clothing can help illustrate the complex social worlds in which Jews have always lived.  For most of Jewish history, but especially beginning around the time when the ancestors of most American Jews migrated to the United States, clothing illustrated a tension between dressing Jewish and dressing like … Continue reading Eric Silverman – Jewish Dress and Cultural History: What You Can Learn From Grandma’s Photos

Todd Knowles – Getting the Most Out of FamilySearch

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States is the largest free genealogical website in the world. It contains the records of over four billion people worldwide and is sponsored by the Church of the Latter Day Saints (the Mormon Church). Todd Knowles will demonstrate how we can make the most of this vast resource as we search for our Jewish ancestors. … Continue reading Todd Knowles – Getting the Most Out of FamilySearch

Mike Karsen – Liven Up Your Family History With Images

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

A family history can contain phenomenal research with every event documented with precision, but yet no one is interested in reading it.  This is a likely outcome when the history consists mainly of names, dates and text.  If we want our painstaking work to be appreciated, it needs to be a vehicle for “time travel,” … Continue reading Mike Karsen – Liven Up Your Family History With Images

Family History Pop-Up Exhibit

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

        You are invited to participate in JGSGB’s first “Family History Pop-Up Exhibit” at our monthly program. Bring your family history books, booklets and scrapbooks to be viewed by and to inspire your fellow genealogists! The exhibit will accompany a presentation by Mike Karsen on how to "Liven Up Your Family History … Continue reading Family History Pop-Up Exhibit

Israel Pickholtz – Lessons in Jewish DNA – Inspiration From One Man’s Successes

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Are you concerned about understanding and interpreting your DNA test results?  DNA results are especially complicated for Jews, who have largely married “within the tribe” for hundreds of years, a practice known as endogamy. In this presentation, Israel Pickholtz will tackle this challenge head on. Since every family is different, rather than taking a “how … Continue reading Israel Pickholtz – Lessons in Jewish DNA – Inspiration From One Man’s Successes

Sheila Green and Beverley Olsberg – Planning Your Family Reunion

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

You’ve now identified members of your extended family through your research, but how do you put all that work to practical use? If you are planning a family reunion or even just thinking about one, this workshop will provide numerous ideas and suggestions to make the planning process easier and lead to a more enjoyable experience … Continue reading Sheila Green and Beverley Olsberg – Planning Your Family Reunion

Ellen Cassedy – Jewish Life in Lithuania Before the War

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Jews in "the land of the Litvaks" lived alongside their  non-Jewish neighbors for nearly seven centuries before the Holocaust. Ellen Cassedy, author of the award-winning We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust (Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2012), explores a rich cultural history, including the social structure of a multi-cultural world, the daily lives of … Continue reading Ellen Cassedy – Jewish Life in Lithuania Before the War

Donate Your Books!

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Do you have books on Jewish history, religion or culture that you’d like to donate?  A newly-restored Jewish cultural center in the Azores has asked for our help in obtaining books.  Please bring your books to our program at Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel on Sunday, May 17 from noon to 4 pm. Persons wishing to … Continue reading Donate Your Books!

Allan Jordan – Finding Family History in Probate Records

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Probate, which includes wills and estate records, is an interesting topic because it’s not a source people immediately think about, but the files are rich with information and can provide routes around research roadblocks. In his presentation, Allan Jordan explores: what is a Probate file; how to determine if someone was likely to have Probate … Continue reading Allan Jordan – Finding Family History in Probate Records

Sheila Green and Beverly Olsberg – Planning Your Family Reunion

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

If you are planning  a family reunion or even just thinking about the possibility, this workshop will provide many ideas and suggestions that should make the planning process easier and lead to an enjoyable reunion experience for all. Beverley Olsberg and Sheila Green will share what they learned when they each planned their successful family … Continue reading Sheila Green and Beverly Olsberg – Planning Your Family Reunion

Adam Brown – Collaborative Genealogy: A Revolutionary New Approach to Building Our Family Trees

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

Collaborative genealogy is a process in which many researchers contribute to a common, extended family tree. Adam Brown will describe the ways in which Internet sites and social networking have already begun to bridge the gap between the collaborative trees, the family-specific trees, and the large record and DNA databases hosted by organizations such as … Continue reading Adam Brown – Collaborative Genealogy: A Revolutionary New Approach to Building Our Family Trees

Ron Arons – What’s in a Name? Trouble! and Nifty Technologies for Genealogical Research Analysis

at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel (Watch Party*) 561 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United States

What's in a Name? Trouble! 11:00am - 12:30pm Ron Arons will discuss some of the research he did on his great-grandfather, Isaac Spier, who served time in Sing Sing Prison for bigamy and who committed other crimes. Through the years, Ron has come across records of other people with the same name who were born … Continue reading Ron Arons – What’s in a Name? Trouble! and Nifty Technologies for Genealogical Research Analysis