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“The first source to go to for Jewish Genealogy.” Info files by topic and country. Family Finder, Family Tree of the Jewish People, Yizkor book translations and more. First Timer videos for the beginner.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston
Monthly educational programs, extensive reference library of worldwide resources, one-on-one assistance.
Comprehensive source for U.S. and foreign materials. Free at many libraries. Paid subscription needed. for home use after free trial period
Family History Library Catalog
World’s largest collection of genealogical records available on microfilm and online.
My Heritage
International genealogy research website and social network service. Available by paid subscription.
Ellis Island
For immigrant arrival records from 1892-1924. Use the Steve Morse website (next) for easier searches.
Steve Morse
Find your ancestors more effectively in the Ellis Island database and the U.S. and N.Y. census. A wealth of other genealogical material.
Routes to Roots Foundation
Identifies which Jewish vital records can be found in state archives in Eastern Europe.
Yad Vashem
World’s largest searchable database of Holocaust victims’ names and information.
Center for Jewish History
Located in NYC; a partnership of major institutions: American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum; genealogy research library.
JRI-Poland (Home of Jewish Records Indexing-Poland)
Database of indices to the 19th century Jewish vital records of Poland.
Italian Genealogy Group
They have digitized many New York based vital records, especially bride and groom indexes.