Family History Library. Genealogical Wordlist – German. (TE)
Frazin, Judith R. A Translation Guide to 19th-Century Polish Language Civil Registration Documents. (Including Birth, Marriage, and Death Records) 3rd ed. Northbrook, IL: Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois, 2009. (TE) (JHC has 1989 ed.)
Mizera, Elzbieta, ed. Universal English-Polish/Polish-English Dictionary. Warsaw [n.d.](TE)
Shea, Jonathan D. & William F. Hoffman. Following the Paper Trail: A Multilingual Translation Guide. Teaneck, NJ: Avotaynu, Inc., 1994. (TE)
A guide to translating vital statistic records in 13 languages–Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
Shea, Jonathan D. & William F. Hoffman. In Their Words: A Genealogists Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents. New Britain, Ct.:Language and Lineage Press, 2000.
Volume 1: Polish. Includes Polish-language documents analyzed and translated; sections on Polish grammar, phonetics, and spelling; information on how to locate records in America and Europe, including contact information for various archives in Poland and neighboring countries; a chapter on gazetteers and how to use them, with 12 maps showing Poland’s changing borders and administrative subdivisions. (TE)
Volume 2: Russian. Includes Russian-language documents analyzed and translated; information on how to locate records in America and Europe; a chapter on gazetteers and how to use them, with ten (10) maps showing Russia’s changing borders and divisions; and letter writing guides for Russian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian. (JHC and TE)