Genealogy Course: Student Survey Student Questionnaire - Course Hello Students, Please help us prepare for the upcoming Jewish Genealogy course by completing this short survey and submitting it today or as soon as possible. Part 1: Student Information 1. Full Name 2. Email Address 3. What is your level of experience with genealogy? Haven't started yet Beginner Advanced beginner Intermediate Experienced 4. What kind(s) of computer(s) are you using (check all that apply)? Mac Desktop PC Desktop Mac laptop PC laptop Apple tablet Android tablet None OtherOther 5. Are you registered with and/or do you have an account with any Internet genealogy sites (check all that apply)? JewishGen Ancestry MyHeritage FamilySearch Ellis Island Geni JRI-Poland None OtherOther 6. If you are using a genealogy software program, which one(s)? Roots Magic Family Tree Maker Reunion Family Tree Builder Legacy OtherOther 7. When did your ancestors arrive in the U.S. (check all that apply)? Pre-1880 1880-1925 1926-1945 Post WWII 8. If known, at which port(s) did your ancestors enter the U.S.? 9. Where did you learn about this course (check all that apply)? JGSGB website, email, or event A synagogue or community newsletter A speaker at my synagogue or in my community A friend A former student in the course OtherOther 10. May we share your email address with fellow class members on a class list? Yes No Part 2: Computer Skills Your answers to this survey will help us prepare for an optional student computer skills training session. A. COMPUTER TASKS: I am able to Find a file on my computer YesSomewhatNot at all Open, close, and navigate through file folders YesSomewhatNot at all Save and name a document YesSomewhatNot at all B. USING ZOOM: I am able to Log into Zoom YesSomewhatNot at all "Share" my screen on ZOOM YesSomewhatNot at all Use the Chat feature on ZOOM YesSomewhatNot at all Minimize ZOOM screen to access other files or browsers YesSomewhatNot at all Switch between Speaker View and Gallery View YesSomewhatNot at all Switch on or Mute microphone YesSomewhatNot at all Switch on or Turn off video YesSomewhatNot at all C. USE OF INTERNET: I am able to Open and use an internet web browser (such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) YesSomewhatNot at all Have more than one web browser window open at a time YesSomewhatNot at all Search the Internet while in Zoom YesSomewhatNot at all Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST Curt Witcher – What the Fort Wayne, Indiana Genealogy Center Can Offer the Jewish Genealogist
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT Gilda Bruckman, Carol Clingan, Ian Spangler – Mapping Massachusetts’ Synagogues: What a New Historical Map Reveals About Jewish Life in MA Since 1840