Memorial (Yizkor) Books

Brzezin Memorial Book.  Edited by A. Alperin and N. Summer.  Translated from the Yiddish by Renee Miller.  New York, NY: JewishGen, 2012. (TE)
Brzezin Memorial Book available through JewishGen

A City in Flames. Yizkor Book of Yampol, Ukraine (District of Volyn).  Translation of the Memorial Book of Yampol.  Leon Gellman, ed.  NY: JewishGen, 2014.  (TE)
Yampol Memorial Book available through JewishGen 

Drohitchin Memorial (Yizkor) Book.  500 Years of Jewish Life (Drohiczyn, Belarus).  Florence Schumacher, ed.  NY: JewishGen, 2014. (TE)

Działoszyce Memorial Book: an English translation of Sefer yizkor shel kehilat Dzialoshitz ve-ha-seviva / Yizkor Book of the Jewish Community of Dzialoszyce and Surroundings. Menachem Daum, project coordinator; Translated, edited, and annotated by Fay and Julian Bussgang. New York: JewishGen, 2012.(TE)
Dzialoshitz Memorial Book available through JewishGen

Kugelmass, Jack and Boyarin, Jonathan. From a Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1998. (JHC)

Memorial Book of Brichany (Briceni) Moldova. Roberta Jaffer, ed. Translation of Britshan: Britshei ha-yehudit be-mahatsit ha-mea ha-aharona. New York: JewishGen, 2017. (TE)
Brichany Memorial Book available through JewishGen

Memorial (Yizkor) Book for the Jewish Community of Ciechanow. Translation of Yisker-bukh fun der Tshekhanover yiddisher kehile. A. Wolf Yassini, ed. New York: JewishGen, 2013. (TE; pages 321-360 are missing, available online from the link below.)
Ciechanow Memorial Book available through JewishGen

The Memorial Book of Serock (Serock, Poland).  Translation of: Sefer Serotsk.  Mordechai Gelbart, ed.  NY: JewishGen, 2014. (TE)
Serock Memorial Book available through JewishGen

Patz, Naomi, and Rabbi Norman Patz. Thus We Remember: A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Dvur Kralove and the Story of One of Its Torah Scrolls. Cedar Grove, NJ: Temple Sholom of West Essex, 2005. (JHC)

Remembering Dvinsk – Daugavpils, Latvia
. New York, NY: JewishGen, 2016. (TE)
A compilation of three sources; a reprint of the 1965, Dvinsk: the Rise and Decline of a Town, by Yudel Flior; the translation of the 1974 In Memory of the Community of Dvinsk, and an appendix of historic photographs assembled by Eilat Gordin Levitan.