Types and Benefits

Membership Types

We offer the following types of membership, all of which run on a calendar-year basis:

    • Individual membership ($35) for a single person.
    • Dual membership ($45) for two people who live at the same address. The person who signs up will be the primary member and will be able to add a second member, who may attend meetings and other member events.
    • Sustaining membership ($60) for a single person or two people who want to provide extra support to the Society.
    • Mass-Pocha ONLY membership ($15) is for someone who lives outside Massachusetts. Mass-Pocha subscribers will receive the two annual issues of our journal. This membership DOES NOT include attendance at our meetings (virtual or in-person), other member events, or access to our Members-Only Website Section.

Member Benefits

These benefits apply to all Membership Types except the Mass-Pocha subscription.

  • Monthly Programs – Free admission to interesting and informative programs with internationally renowned speakers.
  • Research Sunday – Individual help with your research questions and with translating documents and personal papers.
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) opportunity to join groups that focus on research in PolandUkraineLithuaniaBelarus, Galicia, German ancestry, and on Sephardic ancestry.
  • Mass-PochaTwo issues a year of our award-winning journal.
  • Research Library – Access to the JGSGB’s extensive collection of books and maps.
  • Program Recordings – Access to the Members-Only section of the JGSGB website with speaker handouts and program recordings with slides. Opportunity to order recordings from programs prior to 2019.
  • JGSGB Book Group – Opportunity to participate in the JGSGB Book Group, with genealogy-themed selections.
  • JGSGB Connect is an informal online, monthly, one-hour drop-in group for current JGSGB members
    • To pose questions and learn from each other
    • A place to share your knowledge of genealogy and strategies with others
    • An opportunity to connect with other members
    • Veterans and newbies alike are welcome to attend
  • Boston University Genealogy Studies Program Discount.  JGSGB members save 10% on tuition.  Email membership@jgsgb.org for the discount code to apply when enrolling in BU’s course.  For more information about the programs offered by BU, click HERE.
  • One free day‐pass to use the research facilities of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS).
  • Opportunities to network with and learn from other people interested in Jewish genealogy.