Join or Renew JGSGB

If you were a recent JGSGB member, you already have an account on our membership system and may renew by logging in. If you haven’t yet set up your Login Name and Password (or have forgotten them), please use the LOGIN link below and click on “Having trouble logging in?” on that screen (or click the FORGOT PASSWORD link below). Further instructions may be found by selecting “Help” under the “Membership” tab above (or click the link below). Once your credentials have been set up, you may renew by logging in.

Email if you need assistance.

Log into your member account: LOGIN
Renew an existing membership (by loggingin): RENEW
Become a new member: JOIN
Access help about the new system: HELP
Set up new Login Name and Password: FORGOT PASSWORD

If you prefer to fill out a paper membership form and mail in a check, click USE PRINTED FORM.