Genealogy Course: Final Student Survey

Congratulations on completing the course!  We would appreciate your feedback and suggestions to help us plan future courses. Please complete and return this survey by Friday, January 6th. You’ll have the option to identify yourself or not at the end of the Survey.

Genealogy Source - Final Student survey
1. Have you made progress in your research as a result of taking the course?
2. Did you find the lectures helpful?
3. Which lectures were the most helpful? (Click all that apply)
4. Did you find the website demonstrations helpful?
5. Which website demonstrations were the most helpful? (Click all that apply)
6. If you participated, did you find the one-on-one coaching sessions helpful?
7. If you participated, did you find the Monday Drop-In Sessions helpful?
8. Are you using a genealogy software program? (e.g. RootsMagic, FamilyTreeMaker, Reunion)
9. Have you used the course website to view: (Click all that apply)
10. Have you used any of these genealogy websites? (Click all that apply)