REGISTER NOW The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston teaches an award-winning course on how to research your Jewish family history. It is designed for beginners and for those who have begun their family research. Class size is limited to 20 people to permit student participation. Applicants need to know how to do basic Internet … Continue reading Jewish Genealogy: Discover Your Family History→
General round-table discussion, including brick walls and breakthroughs. If you are a JGSGB member, but not yet a Litvak SIG member, send an email to to join at no cost. Litvak SIG members will receive a Zoom link the morning of November 6.
We will be sharing our successes and not-so-successes searching archival records in Belarus. If you are a JGSGB member, but not yet a Belarus SIG member, send an email to to join at no cost. Belarus SIG members will receive a Zoom link the morning of November 7th.
General round-table discussion, including brick walls and breakthroughs. If you are a JGSGB member, but not yet a Galicia SIG member, send an email to to join at no cost. Galicia SIG members will receive a Zoom link the morning of November 20.
The Heidi Urich Annual Lecture on Jewish GenealogyThis lecture is jointly sponsored by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston and Hebrew College Holocaust scholarship has generally been critical of the role of American Jewry during the Shoah. Many believe that American Jews could have done much more than they did to save the … Continue reading Annual Lecture: Jonathan Sarna – Re-evaluating the Role of American Jewry During the Shoah→