Beginners Workshop on Jewish Genealogy
- Zoom Meeting VirtualCarol Clingan Debbie Lerner Carol Clingan and Debbie Lerner, who together have more than 30 years of genealogy research experience, will present a workshop tailored for beginners on the process of researching your family tree. The first half will present the resources, databases and records that are most helpful to begin researching your family history. … Continue reading Beginners Workshop on Jewish Genealogy
Daniel Soyer – New York Jews in the Immigrant City, 1880-1924
- Zoom Meeting VirtualBetween the 1870s and the 1920s, almost 2,500,000 Jewish immigrants arrived in the United States with most of them settling in New York City. While New York shaped the contours of Jewish life both in the city and in the rest of the country, Jews also profoundly influenced the culture, politics, and economics of the … Continue reading Daniel Soyer – New York Jews in the Immigrant City, 1880-1924
Jewish Genealogy: Discover Your Family History
- Zoom Meeting VirtualThe Genealogy class is full and registration has closed. To sign up for our waitlist, send an email with your name to This annual course will take place remotely this year from November 3, 2021 through January 12, 2022, on 8 Wednesday evenings with breaks for holidays. The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston … Continue reading Jewish Genealogy: Discover Your Family History
Sallyann Amdur Sack – What You Need to Know About Jewish Family Names
- Zoom Meeting VirtualReminder: Daylight Savings Time ends at 2AM Nov. 7. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour so you don't miss the program. While identifying family names is basic to doing genealogical research,Jewish family names are anything but simple. Different rules governed theadoption of names in different countries and in Ashkenasic and Sephardiccommunities. Some … Continue reading Sallyann Amdur Sack – What You Need to Know About Jewish Family Names
Annual Lecture: Samuel Kassow – Time Capsules Under the Rubble: The Ringelblum Archive in the Warsaw Ghetto
- Zoom Meeting - Free Program MA, United StatesThe Heidi Urich Annual Lecture on Jewish Genealogyco-sponsored by JGSGB and Hebrew College During World War II, Jews resisted not only with guns but also with pen and paper. Even in the face of death they left “time capsules” full of documents they buried under the rubble of ghettos and death camps. They were determined … Continue reading Annual Lecture: Samuel Kassow – Time Capsules Under the Rubble: The Ringelblum Archive in the Warsaw Ghetto
Research Sunday
- Zoom Meeting VirtualJoin us for our next Virtual Research Sunday for individual research help via ZOOM Video Conferencing. Registrations for the December 5, 2021 Research Sunday Are Now Closed Research Sunday is a benefit of JGSGB membership Open to Individual, Dual, and Sustaining members Register for one 30-minute appointment with a knowledgeable consultant or translator for one of the … Continue reading Research Sunday
Daniel Gurevich – Vilnius, The Jerusalem of Lithuania
- Zoom Meeting VirtualExplore Vilna, known as “the Jerusalem of Lithuania,” once European Jewry's intellectual, spiritual, and political capital. Daniel Gurevich will begin the program with a brief overview of Lithuanian history and Vilnius’ place in it. Then through a virtual tour of Vilnius, including many personal stories, our journey will focus on the city's dynamic, painful, and … Continue reading Daniel Gurevich – Vilnius, The Jerusalem of Lithuania
Serafima Velkovich – Tips for Using Genealogical Sources at Yad Vashem
- Zoom Meeting VirtualAlmost five of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices are commemorated in Yad Vashem's online Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names. Yad Vashem, a living memorial to the Holocaust, houses a huge collection of materials. Ms. Velkovich will highlight new features and materials of the Database, as well as offer … Continue reading Serafima Velkovich – Tips for Using Genealogical Sources at Yad Vashem
Michael White – Matchmaker, Matchmaker: How Much Do I Share on the First Date.
- Zoom Meeting VirtualJGSGB members: Program is free. Members do not need to register.You can find the Zoom link by logging in to your JGSGB Membership account. Once logged in, use the "What would you like to do" dropdown to locate the Members-only Page for the Zoom link. You will also receive an email with the Zoom link the … Continue reading Michael White – Matchmaker, Matchmaker: How Much Do I Share on the First Date.
Ellen Kowitt – Two Lectures – Jewish Resources Comparison of the Giants: Ancestry, FamilySearch, FindMyPast, JewishGen, & MyHeritage and Creative Strategies for Ukraine Research
- Zoom Meeting VirtualPlease note that this program will not be recorded. Jewish Resources Comparison of the Giants: Ancestry, FamilySearch, FindMyPast, JewishGen, & MyHeritageEnjoy this comparative overview of Jewish record collections and research tools found on the global powerhouse websites referred to as “Genealogy Giants.” Comparing Ancestry, FamilySearch, FindMyPast, and MyHeritage, this lecture includes many substantive record examples. … Continue reading Ellen Kowitt – Two Lectures – Jewish Resources Comparison of the Giants: Ancestry, FamilySearch, FindMyPast, JewishGen, & MyHeritage and Creative Strategies for Ukraine Research
Jane Neff Rollins – Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: An Unexpected Tool
- Zoom Meeting VirtualStarting in 1867, the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company created detailed maps of small towns and large cities in the United States in order to calculate premiums for fire insurance. Today these maps have a second life as a tool for genealogists. They describe the neighborhoods and homes where ancestors lived and imply nuanced stories about … Continue reading Jane Neff Rollins – Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: An Unexpected Tool
David Ellis – DNA and Genetic Genealogy Workshop
- Zoom Meeting VirtualHave you taken a DNA test to learn about your ancestry? Are you confused by the results? In this workshop, David Ellis will cover the biology behind genetic genealogy, the kinds of DNA tests available, the major DNA testing services, the differences among them, and how to interpret your results and get the most out … Continue reading David Ellis – DNA and Genetic Genealogy Workshop
Adam Brown – The Genetic Origins and Migrations of the Jewish People
- Zoom Meeting VirtualUnder the auspices of the Technion (Israel's MIT), the Avotaynu DNA Project is a landmark scientific study that has tested over a thousand men in far-flung Jewish communities from China to Surinam. Project Administrator Adam Brown will describe what the Project has learned thus far about Jewish origins, as well as the latest discoveries about … Continue reading Adam Brown – The Genetic Origins and Migrations of the Jewish People
Stanley Diamond – Workshop on Polish Records Research
- Zoom Meeting VirtualAdvance your research with individual advice from Stanley Diamond, founder and Executive Director of Jewish Records Indexing-Poland. JRI-Poland is the worldwide leader in accessing, indexing and making Jewish vital records from Poland available online. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to receive answers to their questions and learn from Diamond’s responses to others. He will … Continue reading Stanley Diamond – Workshop on Polish Records Research
Alec Ferretti – Strategies for Analyzing Endogamous DNA
- Zoom Meeting VirtualEndogamy, marrying and having children predominantly within one's group, allows DNA matches to appear to be more closely related to each other than they actually are. Alec Ferretti will teach us the current rules of thumb for weeding through endogamous matches, including learning how to visualize matches in ways to both help understand and analyze … Continue reading Alec Ferretti – Strategies for Analyzing Endogamous DNA
42nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy
- Zoom Meeting VirtualThe 42nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from Sunday August’21 through Thursday August 25, 2022. The conferences is hosted by the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS), an umbrella organization of more than 90 Jewish genealogical organizations worldwide. The IAJGS coordinates and organizes activities such as the annual IAJGS International Conference … Continue reading 42nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy
Jennifer Mendelsohn – Reunited and it Feels So Good
- Zoom Meeting VirtualDiscovering a Holocaust survivor's true identity, finding relatives assumed dead, and reuniting families are some of the successes that Jennifer Mendelsohn has accomplished as a professional genealogist. Her expertise lies in reuniting people through dogged paper trail research and careful DNA analysis. Mendelsohn will share these incredible stories and how she succeeded in locating the information … Continue reading Jennifer Mendelsohn – Reunited and it Feels So Good
JGSGB Book Group – Where She Came From
- Zoom Meeting VirtualThe JGSGB Book Group will hold its next meeting via Zoom at 7:30 PM. We will be reading Where She Came From by Helen Epstein. If you are not already on the mailing list, please write to and I will add you to the mailing list.
at Temple Emanuel 385 Ward Street, Newton Centre, MA, United StatesLibrary Day is free for members and guests! After a long absence due to the pandemic, we are happy to welcome you back to a special in-person opportunity at Temple Emanuel. Search and our extensive library and map collection to augment your research Consult with our librarians Consult with our experts on country specific research … Continue reading LIBRARY DAY In-Person
Jeffrey Veidlinger – In the Midst of Civilized Europe: Jews and Ukraine in Times of War
- Zoom Meeting VirtualJeffrey Veidlinger’s talk will look at the historical fate of Jews in Ukraine during times of war, with a focus on the pogroms of the First World War, the Holocaust, and the Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022. Jeffrey Veidlinger is the Joseph Brodsky Collegiate Professor of History and Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan. He is the author … Continue reading Jeffrey Veidlinger – In the Midst of Civilized Europe: Jews and Ukraine in Times of War
Jewish Genealogy: Discover Your Family History
- Zoom Meeting VirtualREGISTER NOW The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston teaches an award-winning course on how to research your Jewish family history. It is designed for beginners and for those who have begun their family research. Class size is limited to 20 people to permit student participation. Applicants need to know how to do basic Internet … Continue reading Jewish Genealogy: Discover Your Family History