For current JGSGB members only. Join or renew your membership for 2022.
Details of this service:
- Only current members of JGSGB are allowed to access the material.
- Programs from 2020 to the present are available via our member portal. You must login, then go to Members-only page and click on Speaker Materials.
- Programs (2017-2019) for which audio recordings are available will be marked with the following icon
next to the name of the speaker. To locate past programs, click here and then click on the program of interest.
For presentations for which speakers have given us permission to distribute recordings, we used to produce audio files in MP3 format (prior to 2020). They can be played on Windows and Mac computers and should be downloadable to MP3 players. In many cases additional material, such as Adobe PDF versions of the speakers’ PowerPoint presentations or handouts, are also provided. Orders are fulfilled by sending a link to an online folder containing the material.
Please note that the material is only for educational purposes and for the personal use of members of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston and may not be distributed to others.
Please click the button below to confirm that you are a JGSGB member.