The Ukraine Special Interest Group (SIG) is for members of the JGSGB with interests in the lands that were included in the eight Russian Empire gubernii (provinces) that were in the Pale of Settlement, as well as Kharkov gubernia and the parts of Galicia and Bukovina that are now in Ukraine:
- Volhynia (Volyn)
- Kiev
- Chernigov
- Poltava
- Podolia
- Kharkov
- Kherson (contains Odessa)
- Yekaterinoslav
- Taurida (Crimea)
- Eastern Galicia
- Northern Bukovina
These lands more or less overlap with the current territory of Ukraine. The purpose of the SIG is for members to explore areas of common interest, pursuing research and sharing information with each other, and enhancing our abilities to advance our personal genealogical agendas.

The organization and specific activities of the group are guided by the interests and talents of the members. Recent activities have included learning about
- The history and geography of Ukraine
- The Jewish history of cities and towns in Ukraine
- Research materials that are available online for the region
- Researchers in Ukraine who can search for archival records
- The JewishGen Ukraine SIG and its online resources
The SIG has a Google group for members here, that includes a membership list, an interactive map of our towns of interest, and handouts from past meetings. If you are interested in joining the local JGSGB Ukraine SIG, please subscribe to the Google group or contact the Coordinator for more information.